There is one clubhouse available for weekend rentals. Location and occupancy limitations
are as follows:
Southside Clubhouse
Seats up to 75
Maximum occupancy is 100
Some Tables & Chairs Available
RESIDENTS ONLY $ 100.00 $ 400.00
Rental hours: Saturday: 8:00am - 10:00pm; Sunday: 8:00am - 10:00pm.
The full Security Deposit will be refunded within ten (10) working days after the event, if there are no damages or contract infractions.
SECURITY: Armed security guards are required for all rentals having a total number of participants/attendees of 25 or more. Cost is $50.00 per hour with a minimum of 4 hours for Saturday rentals and $60.00 per hour with minimum 4 hours for Sunday rentals.
SCHEDULING: The Bookong member must schedule rentals in person at the GCSA office during the hours of 8:00am to 4:00pm Monday through Thursday. Full payment of fees and deposit for the reservation is expected at the time the contract is filled out. Payment will only be accepted from the booking member. All functions must be booked, fees paid and release of Liability form signed at least 10 working days in advance of event. If the booking party requires parking for more than 45 vehicles, additional vehicles must park along Red Fox Drive ( behind the Southside Clubhouse and Pool). If the booking party requests that changes be made after signing the contract, the request will be considered if it is put in written form. If the written request is approved, it will become an addendum to this contract.
1. New Year’s Eve 4. 4th of July 7. Christmas Eve
2. New Year’s Day 5. Labor Day 8. Christmas Day
3. Memorial Day 6. Thanksgiving (4 Day Weekend)
ACCEPTANCE: The booking party must be present to both sign in and sign out with the Clubhouse Monitor. This will assure both parties of the condition of the center before and after the event. Discrepancies in the condition of the Clubhouse will be noted on the “sign-out” form and reviewed the following business day by the General Manager. CSA does not give out keys to the building. Please make arrangements to have an adult present at all times. The Clubhouse must be signed for and accepted within 15 minutes prior to or 15 minutes after the contracted time. If the facility is not accepted within this time period, there will be a fee of $25.00 per every 15 minutes thereafter for the clubhouse monitor’s time spent. Monitor will wait only thirty (30) minutes past the requested time.
CANCELLATION: If the booking party wishes to cancel we require a written notice that must be received in the GCSA office no later then ten (10) days prior to your event. If proper notification is received by the GCSA , your entire deposit, and rental fee will be refunded to you via US Mail within ten working days of the notification. If proper notice is not received within the specified time, only the security deposit will be refunded.
CLEANUP: All tables and chairs should be folded, stacked, and put away. All trash, debris, and renter-owned food and equipment must be removed from the Clubhouse and parking lot. The Clubhouse must be cleaned satisfactorily prior to departure (i.e. carpets vacuumed; vinyl floors swept and mopped; tables cleaned, appliances and countertops wiped down; rest rooms cleaned, you must provide your own cleaning supplies, and both decorations and trash removed).
1. The Clubhouse will be not be unlocked before 8:00am Saturday and Sunday! The Clubhouse will be locked and secured no later than 10:00pm Saturday, 10:00 pm on Sunday. All clean up should be completed and personal items removed prior to that time.
2. Renters are responsible for the Clubhouse for the entire time of the reservation.
3. Renter must have an adult present at all times. If the Clubhouse is left unattended for any reason, at any time, your entire deposit will be forfeited.
4. All fire exits must remain unblocked at all times during the event.
5. The pool area is “off-limits.”
6. The Clubhouse may not be engaged for profit earning functions.
7. No rice, bird seed, confetti, or glitter may be used inside the clubhouse. Only birdseed may be thrown outside. Please do not throw birdseed near the flower beds.
8. Any complaints concerning violations of the above rules will be heard by the General Manager and a decision rendered as to whether the deposit shall be returned to the renter. If the violation is found to be of a serious nature, the General Manager, with the support of the Georgetown Board of Directors, may suspend a resident from future use of the center for a period of up to one year.
Please read the Rental Contract for all other rules and specifics of renting the clubhouses.
Forms pertaining to rentals:
Contract Form Change of Time Form Cancellation Form